Mid October I started a new project which is part of the reason
I have not been working on this blog and it has been fantastic. I
decided to do healing sessions almost every morning on prosperity
and do it for free for whoever wanted to be included. I decided to
start by inviting friends. Then it spread slowly to the point where
it now is a group of 16 people. Changes are happening, they are
different for everyone. At the end of the sessions I have been sending
out a message to everyone that came to me while I was doing the work.
One of my friends said yesterday he hoped I am saving these messages
as they are so incredibly clear and such a mixture of things. So I had
the idea to save them here, sharing them in the process.
I also would like to offer this healing work to anyone interested in being
included. Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com with your
name and email. Also, please email to me one intention if you would like.
I will then include the intention in the session. I will email when I am
beginning the session so you can join if you care to. The message will be
posted the next day on this blog and in the email I send you.
Messages thus far:
Oct. 17, 2010
"Untruth: I want to be prosperous.
May I be fully awakened to the truth of my Divine prosperity."
Oct. 18, 2010
"Divine and abundance are One and the same. Can you get any more
abundant than infinite and eternal? The truth of us is our Divinity.
Hey that means God is writing to God."
Oct. 19, 2010
"May your gifts be fully realized, may manna fall from the heavens,
may you be surprised and amazed! Joy to you now."
Oct. 20, 2010
"We are all One with all that is. How prosperous is that?"
Oct. 21, 2010
"May the doors to our joy and amazement fly open. Ohhhhh they
just flew off the hinges."
Oct. 22, 2010
"There are now 12 of us in the group. The meeting of the highest
consciousnesses of the individuals is creating an expanding group
Oct. 25, 2010
"There is a pool of Love, dive in. Divine."
Oct. 26, 2010
"Divine Love is unconditional. We don't have to do anything to
be provided for abundantly. The only thing we do wrong is to
believe in wrong"
Oct. 27, 2010
"The mind wants to figure out how to create abundance. However,
it is in stillness that we find the answers that surprise and amaze
us. Listen to the silence."
Oct. 28, 2010
"Prosperity is not something we pull in. It is an energy that we align
with by radiating prosperity. Have a radiant day!"
Oct. 29, 2010
"Harmony. Grace. Abundance. Peace. Love. Well Being. Expanded
Consciousness. Just radiate it and we align with the truth that already,
always is."
Oct. 30, 2010
"The Divine's freeing, prosperous Truth is the only power at work in
our lives. Knowing this opens all possibilities of manifestations! Feel
the Love?"
Oct. 31, 2010
"From whatever energy you are vibrating, up the wattage, one level
is a big help. Shine on!"
Nov. 1, 2010
"Nothing is more important in aligning with prosperity than sparkling.
It is the high energy that lines us up with our Divine treasures."
To be continued tomorrow! This evening at 11:11p.m. E.S.T
there will be a worldwide 11 minute meditation join us! Check it out:
Practice conscious Sparkle!
Katherine--I would love to be included in your sessions. Always, for me, prosperity and of course, healing (in many ways). Let me know if you need my email and I will send it. I think you have it though. I love that part where you said "dive in" and then right after "Divine" They are kind of the same words but arranged differently, not? How great is that!
Teri I would love to include you and will start today. Please send me an intention if you want. I loved the dive in part also. I saw it as I wrote it. It subtlety changed my feeling about my relationship to the Divine.
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