Nov. 16, 2010
"In recognizing our Divinity we walk in harmony, grace, infinite
abundance, balance and we are absolutely safe. Divine love is the
truth of who we are."
Nov.17, 2010
When I first began this project I was thinking money prosperity.
With so much concern in the world about economies, personal and
global I was thinking that healing would be the focus to take. What
has happened has been a surprise. As the intentions come in I am
noticing that few of them have anything to do with money. As the
people involved are reporting the effects I am seeing healings taking
place, especially with relationships. There is a sense of contentment
spreading. Money is happening, that is definitely one of the results,
but the profound changes are more internal changes that are effecting
the external, making quality of life changes. Partnering with the Divine
always seems to have surprises in store.
I am offering this healing work to anyone interested in being included.
Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com with your name
and email. Also, please email to me one intention if you would like.
I will then include the intention in the session. I will email when I am
beginning the session so you can join if you care to. The message will be
posted the next day on this blog and in the email I send you.
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