The following testimonials were sent to me in response
to work I did with them, both counseling and healing:
“Katherine has been amazing, I don’t know what fluke
drove me to call her for advice: 'I feel like I’m just talking'
she said wait a minute, then mirrored back an incredibly
intuitive, and sound, understanding with a simple path to
my dreams of joyously practicing architecture in a shifting
world. Later on, when I got tried of a disabling knee injury
I called on Katherine to see if she could make it go away.
Katherine gave a simple direction and 12 hours later it was
gone never to return. Personally I focused on Katherine’s
direction and as if a light in the distance was becoming
brighter each day, I suddenly found myself smiling in a
bright world. Katherine is an absolute joy to work with and
I am very grateful for her counsel and amazed at her long
distance healing.” Gayle Gilboy Permar
“If you are ready to be healed Katherine is ready to heal
you. I had enjoyed Katherine’s company for many years
before we connected on a healing level. I was at my wits end
with the pain in my knee when she began working with me.
After one distance session the swelling and pain were gone.
She has continued her work focusing on my back. She is helping
me recognize and change old behavior patterns and beliefs that
were keeping me from healing. Katherine has a great capacity
for joy and laughter. I am not only being made well, I am having
a grand time." Sandy Coulson
"I had been suffering the loss of my partner for 2 years and one
day, as I was driving home I forgot she had passed away. When
I pulled into the drive smiling, it all came back to me and I broke
down, more completely than I ever had in the past. As soon as I
composed myself I called a friend that swore by Katherine and got
her number. I called and Katherine was busy but she set me up
with an appointment for the next day. As I waited all these
coincidences happened that led me to the understanding that I had
not just lost Merry, but I had walked away from God, I could not
forgive God for taking her. The next day I was on the phone with
Katherine crying and filled with rage against God. Katherine said,
Why don't you just start with telling God "I miss you"? Then let God
come to you.’ Swoosh, of course, and I was filled again with a
familiar sense of possibility, and now I have the strength to move on.
Thank you” Joyce Hartwick
Funny, I don’t know how I have ended up with so many knee healing
testimonials, but that’s just the way it worked!
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