"If it is only a dream, why is pain so real?" "A dream head struck against a dream wall causes dream pain. A dreamer is not cognizant of the hallucinatory fabric of a dream until he awakens. Similarly, man does not understand the delusory nature of the cosmic dream of creation until he awakens in God." Paramahansa Yogananda

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Prosperous, New Year, New Beginnings!!!

"True Celebration" Collection of Rachel Schlueter

Dec. 29, 2010
"Any progress we make in awakening to the truth of our
infinitely abundant, loving Divine nature ripples through
the Universe and changes everything for the better.'

Dec. 30, 2010
"We are swimming in a sea of bounty and the belief in lack
is the only thing that separates us from experiencing that

Dec. 31, 2010

For me the Lunar Eclipse was in many ways the beginning of
the New Year as I celebrated it as a curtain closing on the past
and then opening to a completely new reality. Tonight I let go
of the past and celebrate the beginning of a new way of being.
I wish to remember this every night and morning. I wish
this for all of us. I wish all of you reading this a very fulfilling
and prosperous 2011!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Prosperity Sessions/ Gratitude

"Wonderment", Collage, SOLD

Dec.28, 2010
"Everyday the days are getting longer. We can be in
sync by shining our light and sparkling a little brighter

Dec. 29, 2010

Over the last week, with Christmas, gift giving and re-thinking
the prosperity healing sessions I have been thinking about
gratitude and the role it plays in prosperity, and the role it plays
in giving and receiving. I have not come up with any great
epiphanies but I see that it is greatly important. In doing this
work I feel extremely grateful most of the time for the opportunity,
for it is giving a tremendous amount to me to do these sessions.
I get tripped up when I don't know how the others involved are
feeling. Are they grateful? So I asked why I was asking that
question. The answer was partly a very human response of wanting
to be appreciated for what I am giving. The other was the question
'is it good, in prosperity healing to be giving the message of getting
something for nothing?', for gratitude is one of the important laws
of prosperity. But then I realized, if I feel great giving for nothing
and am grateful for that, then that is the message I am giving. And
yes, it is improving my prosperity and yes, it is also one of the laws
of prosperity. I also realized that I just needed to be certain that the
participants of the sessions were actively wanting to be in the group
and that each one of them had a direct relationship to stating that
desire to me. So I proceeded to check in with everyone. What has
come back is a lot of gratitude. So there you go.

May we go into this new year with our glass half full (or more).

On the subject of gratitude thank you so much Jerry Downs for
publishing the link to my blog on his Facebook Fan Page.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Prosperity Sessions/ Renewal

"Beginning",Collage on poster board, 22.5x15, $125

Dec. 27, 2010
"Divine love knows what we have need of before we ask. We need
only recognize that the nature of the Divine is to fulfill our desires
in the perfect ways and timing."

Dec. 26, 2010
"We are all free to manifest our own prosperity and we each get
to define what that looks like. Then all we do is feel/vibrate as if."

Over the holidays (Solstice and Christmas) I have been thinking
quite a bit about the healing sessions. There are several participants
I never hear from and I have no idea whether they are still interested
in being included. There are also several friends and partners that
were included but I have never heard word one from and I feel as if
they need to make there own personal connection, commitment and
intention with the process.

I have decided two things.

The first is that I want people to renew their interest in the group
monthly. This way I will know where everyone is at. If those involved
want to continue being included in the sessions they need to let me
know by the first of every month, starting January first. I will not be
reminding anyone. If I do not hear from them I will assume they no
longer want to be included. They can renew again at any time.

Second, I will only include people that ask me directly. Friends and
partners need to contact me personally.

I love hearing from those that feel the sessions have proved helpful
so please let me know.

Also feel free to renew or add intentions at any time.

This work has been very powerful for me, changing my life in both a
gradual and dramatic manner. Not only do I have more financial
prosperity, an abundance in my quality of life is unfolding. It has not
always been pleasant in the revealing as there has been a level of
purification involved but I am thrilled at the refinement that is being

I am very grateful for the opportunity to do this work and for those
your involved in it.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

"Covenant II" , Collection of Richard Marcus

"Silent mind, Holy mind, all is calm, all is bright,
dwell in heavenly peace."

Merry Christmas my friends, may you sparkle
like the light you are!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas' Eve!

"Jubilee", Oil on canvas, 24x18, Sold

"The best gift we can give is our presence."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Solstice!!!!

"Selene" 48x48, 2002, In collection.

Dec. 20, 2010 "We are the Divine swimming in an infinite,
eternal ocean of Divineness."

Dec.21, 2010
Happy solstice and full moon. Today is the shortest day of
the year right? Tomorrow the light begins its rebirth as the
days get longer, the nights shorter.

Last night I took advantage of the ju-ju of the eclipse and
did the prosperity session right before the event, so I will not
be doing a session this morning. It was quite amazing that
before the session I looked outside and saw clouds and when
the time for the eclipse came it was absolutely clear.

According to astrology-classes.com the eclipse and degrees
of the planets signify that "Something has matured and is no
longer needed. It is time to transform something or to end it
and to build something new." And they encourage us to "to
give away those things that are no longer needed or helpful,
and to bring to the world a spirit of loving, truthful compassion
for all beings."

So after doing the session, which by the way felt very powerful
I went outside and watched the eclipse, as I watched I thought
about the ending and beginnings I wanted to accept for the group
and myself. As the shadow crossed the moon I saw the ending of
living on the edge financially, the end of all those aspects of our lives
that keep us from living in full appreciation and abundance. AND
the beginning : Abundance of course! I felt this globally.

This is a magical time, it is the time to sparkle energetic, and put
those intentions into the alchemical cauldron. "If we can dream it
up we can dream it into being!" (some mutation of a quote by Caroline
Casey astrologer extraordinaire
). Meditate, pray, dance, sing, beat the
drums for your Divine right to prosperity.

Dec. 19, 2010
"The stories we tell ourselves and others about our lives create our
reality. Tell good, happy stories if happiness is your desire! Feel the
love? It is there for you!"

Dec. 18, 2010
"We have the Divine ability of creation. What we focus on and feel we
vibrate and manifest. Very simple operating instructions!"

Dec. 17, 2010
"The manifestation of the refinement of all our desires is sitting in a
treasure chest in our now. To open the lid go to the now and do the
sparkle dance!"

Friday, December 17, 2010

Prosperity Sessions 31

"Power of Detachment", Collage on poster board, 20.5x15, $125

Dec. 16, 2010
"We have one person's consciousness we are responsible for
and that is our own. The energy that is created by this consciousness
creates our manifest reality."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Prosperity Session 30

"Nepal", Oil on canvas, 40x30, In Collection

Dec. 14, 2010
"Gratitude is the attitude"

Dec.15, 2010
"Embrace the Grace, in Truth it is all that is."

Dec. 16, 2010

I have been running into people that are in the prosperity group
lately and in talking with them about my experience I realize
more and more how blessed I feel doing this because it has improved
my sense of well being of attitude. I feel so good most of the time.
It also makes me understand how much giving is part of a prosperous
experience. I spend an hour every morning giving to these 27 people
and I am being so blessed by it.

I am offering prosperity healing work for free to anyone interested in
being included. Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
with your name and email. Also, please email to me one intention if
you would like. I will then include the intention in the session. I will
email when I am beginning the session so you can join if you care to.
The message will be posted the next day on this blog and in the email
I send you.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Prosperity Sessions 29

"Conception", Collage on foam core, 22.5x15, $125

Dec.12, 2010
"Listen to the stillness, there is quiet and peace there.
Peace is the home of all healing, all clarity, and all abundance,
for it is where the Divine All in All is."

Dec. 13, 2010
"Each of our individual expressions of being-ness is essential
in Divine experience. We are each individual universes, every
cell of our being Divinely guided."

Dec. 14, 2010

Now that I have been doing these sessions for a couple of months
now, at least an hour a day, I solidly feel the effects. My mind has
become very quiet, the silence very easy to access. My life feels
rich in its unfolding. My prosperity is improving at an easy pace.
I am loving the sessions, looking forward to them in the morning
when I wake up. It used to be difficult to meditate for 5 minutes
and now I look forward to an hour of it. Who would have ever thunk?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Prosperity Sessions 28

"The Gathering" SOLD

Dec. 10, 2010
"We exist in a field of Divine, Grace filled, omnipresence.
Enter through the now in total receptivity to the Grace
that is already the truth of who we are."

Dec. 11, 2010
"If you are full of wonder, you are wonderful. Sparkle,
sparkle all you stars of wonder, stars of light!

Dec. 12, 2010

I am offering prosperity healing work for free to anyone interested in
being included. Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
with your name and email. Also, please email to me one intention if
you would like. I will then include the intention in the session. I will
email when I am beginning the session so you can join if you care to.
The message will be posted the next day on this blog and in the email
I send you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Prosperity Sessions 27/ Results

"True Wonderment", Sold

Dec. 9, 2010
"Abundance shows up in very ordinary and very
ways. Isn't that the funnest? We just never know.
Prepare to
be surprised and amazed."

So I sent this question out to the members of the prosperity group
that receive my daily email: It's working for me is it working for you?

A friend of mine from the earliest days on my spiritual path responded:

"Yes! it is working for me. In fact I sent an email to a friend
and in the subject heading was 'YES'. This is definitely more
alive in the field. And I got another session booked. That is
4 since we started. AND my partner's bonus DID come through.....
we are awaiting the actually
$$ but it has been confirmed. But
more importantly is this
vigilance I am learning to stay open to
Gangaji says 'Vigilance requires full attention, but it
doesn't require energy or effort. The surrender of effort —of
what is being done, of what is being reached for, or rejected, or
hidden, of what is being thought — reveals the fire of consciousness
as the ever-present
Thank you everyone who I don't know who I am a part of in this
endeavor to
practice the truth and especially thank you Katherine.
In gratitude and abundance,"


And another from a friend from high school:

"Katherine.....In a word YES. Thank you for the reminder ESP
how blessed I truly am, and no is actually a positive word! These
pearls are invaluable to me now."

And yes it seems part of the abundance I am receiving is a
reuniting with people from the past.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Prosperity Session 26

"Deep Sea Diving", Oil on canvas, 36x48, $2600

Dec.8, 2010
"Saying yes to life in the fullest sense is truly abundance. No
was given to us for anything that threatens to infringe on that
fullness. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dec. 9, 2010

I think one of the most difficult challenges I have had in life is
figuring out what to say yes to and what to say no to and carrying
it out, so I know yesterdays message is not always easy to carry
out. I am at another stage of refinement and expanding into a
fuller life, but I think that is the point of being here, forever
expanding and refining our desires for a fuller life.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prosperity Session 25

"Sonata", Oil on canvas, 48x36, In Collection

Dec. 7, 2010
"During the session I sensed sunlight shining on me. Opening
my eyes I saw it was cloudy. The truth of us is our light. Let
it shine, as you shone on me today."

Dec 8, 2010

The group is now made of 26 people now and it takes me an hour
and 10 minutes to do the session. I guess I am going to have to ask
for a new way to do this pretty soon or I'll be doing the session all
day as we add more people. I am still working with each individual.
Yesterday I felt the presence of one of my most important Spiritual
mentors, Paula Scott, who has since passed . Maybe that was the
ray of light I felt.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Prosperity Sessions 24

"Covenant II", Oil on canvas, 60"x48", Collection of Richard Marcus

Dec. 6, 2010
" There is only One power and that power is Divine harmony, grace,
prosperity and love. There is no such thing as a 'problem' that has
more power than our Divinity."

Dec. 7, 2010

Yesterday the group expanded by two more people, so we have two
new intentions which I will add later after I work with making the
wording more concise.

I am offering prosperity healing work for free to anyone interested in
being included. Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
with your name and email. Also, please email to me one intention if
you would like. I will then include the intention in the session. I will
email when I am beginning the session so you can join if you care to.
The message will be posted the next day on this blog and in the email
I send you.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Prosperity Session 23

"Attraction", Collage on poster board, 22.5x15, $125

Dec. 5, 2010
"Nothing is more important than vibrating well being,
it is the key to prosperity and health both for the individual
and the collective."

Dec. 6, 2010

Most of the times when I come out of these healing sessions
with these messages they are a source of inspiration and set
the tempo for the day. But sometimes they portend a struggle
and the advice for the struggle. Yesterday was one of those days
where I was in struggle most of the day and I kept trying to get
the ol' vibration up. It took all day, a day of major confusion as to
what course of action I need to take. Finally I came up with the
answer and I was back in well being. PHEW!

I am offering prosperity healing work for free to anyone interested in
being included. Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
with your name and email. Also, please email to me one intention if
you would like. I will then include the intention in the session. I will
email when I am beginning the session so you can join if you care to.
The message will be posted the next day on this blog and in the email
I send you.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Prosperity Session 22 /Guidance

"Power of Detachment", Collage on poster board, 20.5x15, $125

Dec. 4, 2010
"All answers to all questions lie within. As we listen to the stillness
the answer appears in the most amazing ways! Divine Omniscience
is the best search engine!"

Dec. 5, 2010

And I have been asking for a lot of guidance lately as I step into the
void that I know is taking me toward a more successful, prosperous

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Prosperity session 21

"True Harvest", Collage on poster board, 22.5x15, $125

Dec. 3, 2010
"The Group intention: We are being awakened to the truth of
our Divine prosperity and it is being made manifest now."

Dec. 4, 2010

It seems preparing for the harvest is not always a pleasant
task as old parts of your life may need clearing away. Right
now some serious soul searching is being catalyzed by this
work for me and causing some very difficult decisions to be
made. As difficult as this is I am excited for the new life to
follow. Alas, I can't skip this step to get there, so hold me
in your prayers if you so feel inclined.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Prosperity Session 20

"The Power of the Inner World", Collage on Poster Board, 22.5x15, $125

Dec. 2, 2010
"Now is the only time there is. Listen to the stillness, it is the doorway
to the now. That is where we find the spaciousness of all that is,was,
and will ever be."

Dec. 3, 2010

Yesterdays session was different, as I was different with it. I started off
doing a little bit of affirming the qualities of the Divine and then I listened
to the stillness and then when someone's name came to me in the group
I did energy work with them always preceded with the affirmation that
they were awakening to the truth of their Divine prosperity. Then as the
energy did what ever it did I listened to the stillness. It was really awesome
in the peace and spaciousness that took over me.

I am offering prosperity healing work for free to anyone interested in
being included. Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
with your name and email. Also, please email to me one intention if
you would like. I will then include the intention in the session. I will
email when I am beginning the session so you can join if you care to.
The message will be posted the next day on this blog and in the email
I send you.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Prosperity Session 19

"True Home", Collage on poster board, 22.5x15, $125

Nov. 1, 2010
"All there is, is love. No withholding, no punishment, no judgement,
just love. Let go into the love and hang out there with the Divine."

Turn off music on sidebar down below first! Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Prosperity Session 18

"True Celebration", collection of Rachel Schlueter

Wow what a session I had yesterday!

Nov. 30, 2010
"Behind every appearance of a problem is a rocket of
desire. Clarify the desire and shoot it off by vibrating as
if. Accept wonder and magic."