If you are interested in purchasing this collage please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
Now that I am clear in myself and in a holding pattern,
and not communicating anything yet, it is interesting to
watch what is happening both internally and externally
while I do nothing. Dragons are being expressed, and
fought and structures are starting to burn and crumble.
(By the way I did this collage years before 9/11.) It
continues to amaze me how powerful the subtle energies
are. I used to think decisions were emergencies and
needed to be acted on immediately. Now I ask for
guidance and often find myself in a holding pattern as
the Universe sets things up for the plane of that decision
to land, or takes care of the shift altogether and I find
all I needed to do was make the decision.
Today is my one month anniversary of starting this blog.
As of yesterday I have had 422 visits from 254 visitors
from 14 countries and 22 states in the USA. I am
extremely grateful. Thank you to all of you taking
the time to read my posts.
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