If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
This morning I am going to close myself in
my room and write. No, nothing creative, I
am going to write my inner world into clarity.
I have a conversation to have and if I am not
clear inside it will make all the difference. My
friend was helping me last night and she has
a 2 year old. She said if she is not absolutely
clear in herself when she tells her daughter she
can not have another cookie there is inevitably
a scene, but if she is absolutely clear, her daughter
just smiles and says okay. It is all energy, the
subtle message is what gets through.
I forget that writing down my thoughts helps to bring clarity, but when I do remember it often feels like a light switches on in my head .... an AHA moment.
Love this painting Katherine.
Thank you Robyn. I wrote all day, I mean, I was clear by the end of the day!
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