Sorry I have not posted for a couple of days. I guess I have been
going through some sort of energy shift and have not been sleeping
very much. I asked for a breakthrough and seem to have received
it. The last post I did has a quote of Yogananda's. Actually I think
it is more than a quote. I think he left a portal with this. After
realizing what he was saying everything went quiet for me. My
mind stopped its' rambling. The veil between me and Other
feels thinner. How do I percieve this? Information is much more
available and so is healing energy. I feel peaceful. I read the quote
to my friend and he had a similar shift. This is why I think it might
be a doorway. I mean of course every teaching from a master is,
if you really let the teaching in. But I think these words have an
energy to them that enables the opening. Maybe!?
Hei KT
love the "Portal" and the lead-in to the
Yogananda quote-which all was, as usual; perfectly timed.
Always wonderful to hear from you. Nice to be in each others magic loop.
Love to you KT
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