"If it is only a dream, why is pain so real?" "A dream head struck against a dream wall causes dream pain. A dreamer is not cognizant of the hallucinatory fabric of a dream until he awakens. Similarly, man does not understand the delusory nature of the cosmic dream of creation until he awakens in God." Paramahansa Yogananda

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What is My Purpose?

I wrote an email to a friend this morning about her confusion about her purpose. I haven't posted in
so long that I thought this would be a good re-start.

I think the place we get stuck when asking the question 'what is my purpose?' is our approach.
First we ask what is it I am to do to express my purpose? Then we try to figure it out. I think
the first question in regards to aligning with purpose is how do I want to feel? For it will guide us
to purpose. For example I want to feel happy, surprised, amazed and excited. When I do something
that makes me feel that way I know I am on purpose. It can be painting, counseling, healing or a
walk in nature or attending a child's birthday party. I am a believer in healing the individual or the
planet happens through energy and feelings create energy. If we want to be on purpose and contribute
it is important that we find what it is we want to feel. The next step is to start focusing on what is
already in place in our life that makes us feel that way so we can create the feeling state that vibrates
at the energy we want to manifest. For example I may be feeling incredibly lonely about Kirby being
gone. That could kill a whole day with misery, so I switch to my gratitude for the laughter I had with
him,  the dinner I had with friends last weekend, the awesome sessions I had with clients yesterday
and I feel happy and surrounded by people. All of a sudden I am getting more clients and dinner
invites and I am back in a state of happiness and I am back on purpose contributing to the healing of
the energetic vibrations of my experience, the collective, the world.

I never think trying to figure anything out gets us very far if we want to explore new territory. We
just run circles in our minds exploring familiar territory. Most great scientists say that their great
discoveries came to them when they stopped trying to figure it out. I always make my intention
known to the Divine and then I listen to the stillness and then let it go. I find the answer always
appears in the most surprising ways.  'I intend to be aligned with my purpose' would be a good start.

Friday, June 29, 2012

New Testimonial

'Bird Woman', Oil on Canvas, 60x48, Collection of Artist (Katherine Treffinger)

"Katherine's fantastic sense of humor, humanity, humility, and faith are an amazing
cocktail that allows her healing work to be completely non-judgmental, empowering,
and deeply compassionate. Her pitch-perfect insights always ring true for me and her
work always feels so gentle, organic, and respectful...it feels like she waters and shines
on the seeds that are already waiting to thrive. Katherine and her powerful work have
assisted me in making some of the biggest transformations of my life. I am beyond
grateful for her!" 

Caitlin Ecklund

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Changes and Messages

"God knows what we have need of before we ask. Our job is to know
this truth by affirming and honoring it by listening to the 'small quiet
voice within."

This week I sent this letter out to the 33 people that have been
participating in the Prosperity/ Healing sessions.

Dearest Ones

And you are, dearest Ones. I am writing to tell you that this morning,
during the session, it came very clear to me that it was time for a
change. I have now been doing these sessions for a year and a half,
5 days a week. For whatever reasons, and there are several I am aware
of, it is time for me to discontinue the prosperity/healing sessions. I am
excited about it because I love change. I also know it is time for me to
really center in, as my life has something going on that requires my
full attention on my connection to my Self at meditation time.

I am planning to put your present intentions on my altar and I will
affirm during meditation that God knows what you have need of before
you ask. If you want to change your intention at any point please feel
free to let me know. If you do not want to be on the altar let me know

I know some of you will really miss the daily messages. What I
recommend is going to my blog  www.ourlivingdream.blogspot.com .
On the right hand bar, scroll down and you will find my tags. Close
your eyes and let the mouse land somewhere and click. It will bring up
a page with many messages hopefully, (you just need one), gently let
your eyes land somewhere and it will be most certainly the perfect

I am available for individual sessions. Consultations have been
invaluable to many of the people I have worked with, really speeding up
there progress. Right now I am only available in the U.S. for talk.
However I am available for distance healings any where. For now, the
consultations are $75, if you commit to 2 sessions in a month they are
$60. Distance healings are $125. They are time intensive with not only
the healing sessions, but all the checking in involved. There have been
many successful healings. For local people I am still available for hands
on work at $60 an hour. I always appreciate referrals. My phone number
is 541.805.0905

Which brings me to my next point. For those of you who have worked
with me, and have not already done so, I would love testimonials if you
feel like writing them. There are now testimonials in the right hand bar
of the blog for those of you interested in reading them.

Without getting tremendously mushy, allow me to say that I feel close to
all of you. Please stay in touch. Also, I love hearing your magical stories
and successes, they help me.

Keep in mind you are the Divine having a human experience that can be
only experienced as you. You are important. Follow your souls promptings.
You are Love and you are loved. Take up as much space as it takes to be
fully you!

I will be periodically posting on my blog. So check in if you feel the

If you, or someone you know,would like one of my brochures please let
 me know. Also if you have somewhere to put a stack of them let me know

You remain in my prayers, much love, Katherine

May 21, 2012
"If we are having a difficult time with our feelings and beliefs we can
affirm that they have no power over God's Omnipotent Harmony, Grace
and intelligence. There is only one power, God." 

May 19, 2012
"Challenges are the souls request to take the next step. Ask for the clarity
to know the next step, the courage to take it and then ask God to carry you."

May 18, 2012
"We are One with All That Is, All Love, All opportunities,  All prosperity,
All knowledge and All well being. The only block to manifestation of this
truth is our beliefs."
May 17, 2012
 "Being present for the now we enter life, timelessness and the only place
God resides. All prayers/ intentions are answered there. Listen to the stillness."

May 16, 2012
"God's Grace is my sufficiency in all things. Cool promise huh?  Makes me
feel sparkly all over. How about you?" 

May 15, 2012
"Being in a state of love towards ourselves and others places us in alignment
with our Truth.  We are, in fact, one with Divine Love. Swim in the stream of
May 14, 2012
"As we awaken to the Truth of who we are we awaken for all. The entire
collective consciousness makes a shift toward Truth."
May 12, 2012
"It's all energy meeting like energy so if we want to manifest something we
have to meet it energetically. It is law. Seeing our blessings turns up the
sparkle vibration."

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Messages From My Daily Sessions

'The Witness', Collection of Bill and Kayce Hughlett

May 10, 2012
"We exist as drops of water in an ocean of love and intelligence.
Knowing we are blessed and listening to be guided every step
we take, the veil thins and magic abounds."
May 9, 2012
"God as Love is everywhere present at the same time. This
Love is our unconditional provider of love, prosperity, clarity
& Absolute safety. Surrender to Love." 

May 8, 2012
"It's all energy. Keep it moving by giving what you desire.
There is always a way to be generous."
May 4, 2012
"We are all magicians with magic wands of feelings, beliefs and
the stories we tell ourselves. Choose to create the reality you
most desire by feeling as if."
May 3, 2012
"The more we hand over to Divine Love the more magic we
witness in our lives." 

May 2, 2012
"Behind the clouds there is always sun. If we are looking at
trouble we can always do an about face and look at the blessings,
which beget blessings. Turn up the sparkle."
May 1, 2012
"An affirmation: Every step I take today is guided by Divine
Love and I am blessed, absolutely safe and prosperously provided
for. Gratitude is my natural state."

April 30, 2012
"We create what we perceive. If what we are seeing  is sad or
messy and we feel that perception we are adding unto the mess.
See and create through the eyes of wonder!

April 27, 2012
"Frustration is a story we tell ourselves that creates a false
separation between desire and fulfillment, which are, in truth,
One. Tell a story of how blessed you are." 

April 26,2012
"As we listen to Omniscient pure consciousness we are clearly
guided down the path of fulfillment and joy. Follow the yellow
brick road of Love, Grace & Harmony."

Sunday, April 29, 2012

May 2012 Intentions

"Ugly Duckling", Oil on Canvas, 30"x40", $1800
If interested in purchasing this painting please email me at


I am perfect health, I am pain-free. I see myself gaining new energy,
becoming stronger and healthy, and I lose weight easily. I have
unlimited money flowing into my life and the more I share, the more
I attain.

God's Divine harmony is manifesting in my body as I effortlessly lose
weight. Any changes I need to make are revealed to me and are easily

I experience full and complete healing. Progress every day.

The truth of God's harmony is made manifest for me as perfect health
and emotional well-being.

I feel completely at home in my harmonious body.


I am safe and content and surrounded by positive light in my life.

I am safe, God provides for me and life is gentle on me.


I am being shown how to love and embrace all parts of myself.

I am happy, open, confident, grounded, patient, kind, loving and
recognize my worth.

I gratefully and happily accept the healing which is enabling positive
changes in my life. I intend to learn to love myself fully, knowing that
will be the kind of love I attract from others.


I understand what my outer life purpose is.

My presence is my presentation to the world and I know when someone
complements me it is the glow of presence they are seeing.

I am staying present and in the moment, especially in regard to my
commitment to trusting my feelings and what I know I need.

Opening up to receiving and responding to the messages coming my way.


My intention is conscious realization of the presence of Divine
Love/Light resulting in the experience of health, wealth, Love, and perfect


Divine Grace is keeping me on point and organizing my life and my
thinking in order to manifest stable prosperity in my business.

The perfect new home manifests for me.

Joyful employment.

The perfect new home for my friend Sandy manifests.

I am aligned with the truth, power and practice of my life's calling, a facilitator
of awakening. I am energized and prospering financially through this alignment.
The perfect clients come to me and in gratitude love giving me money. I am
listening to the stillness, always.

There is only one power and that power is a prosperous Yes!

Bring on the magic, blessings and prosperity I am ready!!!!


I remain open to and accept love, receive financial and health blessings, and
enjoy the pleasure of each moment of living.

I move outside of my comfort zone in all aspects of my life. I keep my energy
healthy and positive, being there for others, while keeping my own boundaries.
I am healing.

I am healing and releasing deep felt emotions. I maintain self-integrity while
allowing undesirable feelings to simply pass.

I am creating a sustainable inner landscape.

I give loving curiosity to all the perceptions in my life, opening my heart to
see and rejoice in the pearl amidst the perceived sand of challenges.

I sparkle with free and easy wonder and deep gratitude for the endless
blessings in my beautiful life.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Reflections from Prosperity Sessions

"Sutter's Mill", Oil on Canvas, 40"x30", In Collection

April 25, 2012
"We always have the choice, is the glass half full or
half empty or are we rejoicing in the fullness of our
experience of being here at all? It is all energy."

April 24, 2012
"So many of our challenges persist because we get
attached to the story of our problems and think we
need to fix them. Let go and let God. Surrender to Grace." 

April 23, 2012
"We are spiritual beings having a human experience
with limitless capacity for experience. The only limitation
is that which we believe in. Think limitless!"
 April 20, 2012
"Our purpose here is singular, it is to be happy
and in so being we bring happiness to others.
Emanating happiness we effect the entirety of
the field of energy."

April 18, 2012
"We often look to the future for our fulfillment, but
in doing so we miss the portal to everything, NOW.
Now is where we find our life, healing, manifestation
and God."

April 17, 2012
"Presence is the best present we can give ourselves or
others. We are then truly showing up for this life we
are living. Life is made up of nows, nothing else."
April 16, 2012
"If we are grateful before our desires are made
manifest we are vibrating at the sparkle level
that matches the manifestation. This is our
Divine power to create." 

April 13, 2012
"The paradox is that in order to live a blessed existence
it is essential to know that we are blessed and be
generous with our blessings. We are Love and loved."

April 12, 2012
"There is a magic that is created by choosing to see
the positive in life and each other. The magic wand is
to treat it all with gratitude and love." 

April 11, 2012
"Divine Mind knows what we have need of before we ask.
Ask and it is given. Believe and it is added unto you. Ask
and believe is all that Divine Love asks of us."

April 10, 2012
"What ever the need, all we  need do is open
our arms in gratitude, allowing ourselves to
surrender to the embrace of Divine Love. Love
will find a way. Say thank you now, before the

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Messages to the Prosperity Group

"Little Bear Fishes", Oil on canvas, 24"x18", $700
If you are interested in purchasing this painting
please email me katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

April 9,2012
"Remember in the Matrix 'There is no spoon."?
Well, there is no spoon, in fact, there is no matter,
only energy/spirit. How we give attention to anything
changes it"

April 8, 2012
"Listen to the stillness. This is where we are the most
present. It is where all answers, clarity, solutions,
healings, epiphanies and prosperity arise from."

April 5, 2012
"God's presence is bringing forth his blessings in
me, through me, around me and for me. I don't
know who wrote this. I keep it tacked to the wall
behind my desk."

April 4, 2012
"To tap into the magic of the laws of prosperity and
well being takes practice, intention and sparkle. No
one else can do it for you. Like energy attracts like."

April 3, 2012
"The desire and the fulfillment are One. Feel as if
and be patient. Who knows? It could be the entire
Universe has to shift a tiny bit for manifestation to
take place."

April 2, 2012
"Our deepest desires/ intentions are the voice
of our Divine Self, forever, prompting us to grow,
evolve toward the truth, joy. Realize unlimited

March 30, 2012
"Let the energy build! How do we do that? By being
positive. There is no way better than gratitude.
Gratitude is the attitude!"

March 29, 2012
"Be amazed. Divine mind is already on the job,
whatever that need be. In surrendering to this truth
we become witnesses to the magic unfolding of our

March 28, 2011
"The Divine Truth of who we are is Omniscient.
Right understanding is readily available to us now.
Ask the question, stop the mind and listen to the
stillness. Clarity will come."

March 27, 2012
"God is Love. God is All. Love God, in all, with all
your heart, all your soul and all your mind. If loving
yourSelf is your challenge love God and if that is a
challenge ask God to reveal Love through you."

March 26, 2012
"The Universe does not differentiate between yes
and no. It is all magnetic energy. Like energy attracts
like manifestation. Let the negative in your life
inform the positive direction and intention.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

April Intentions and How I Changed the Sessions

"Nepal", Oil on canvas, 40x30, In Collection

Lately I have been re-reading a book that has been
instrumental in developing my healing work,
The Art of Spiritual Healing by Joel Goldsmith.
30 years ago I studied the book with such hunger
that the book fell apart and I had to buy a new one.
Rereading it has catalyzed a rethinking of how I have
been doing the Prosperity/ Healing sessions. The
other thing that has catalyzed the change is that I now
have 32 people in the group. Continuing to do the
work the way I have would take forever. I was treating
each individual, which is not only unnecessary, I am
beginning to believe it is less productive.

Goldsmith advises not taking person or problem into
the treatment, but rather let it go and go into thinking
about Divine Truthes. There are categories of intentions
that people have in the group and I am treating the
categories. I read every intention for a while in a month
but then I stop even that. This way it is easier to not get
caught up in person and what I may know about specific
circumstances. Also God knows already what is needed.
We could even say these are God's intentions. I have
included the categories here. If you are a part of the
group and feel that your intention is in the wrong
category please let me know and I can change it.

Health/ Body
The truth of God's harmony is made manifest for me
as perfect health and emotional well being.

I experience complete joyous healing.

I am healing and prospering by focusing on the joy
in my life. I share this joy and abundance with others.
I pray for healing to wash over those who feel that I
have transgressed them in any way.

God's Divine harmony is manifesting in my body as
I effortlessly lose weight. Any changes I need to
make are revealed to me and are easily facilitated.

I am in perfect health, I am pain-free.

I am safe and content and surrounded by positive
light in my life.

God will keep me safe.

I let go of all fear and move forwards in alignment
with my higher purpose.

I intend to learn to love myself fully, knowing that
will be the kind of love I attract from others.

I am being shown how to love and embrace all parts of

I am happy, open, confident, grounded, patient, kind,
loving and recognize my worth.

I love myself.

Consciousness/ Right Understanding
My intention is conscious realization of the presence
of Divine Love/Light resulting in the experience of
health, wealth, Love, and perfect self-expression

My presence is my presentation to the world and I
know when someone complements me it is the glow
of presence they are seeing.

I understand what my outer life purpose is.


Opening up to receiving and responding to the
messages coming my way.

I am creating a sustainable inner landscape.

I walk with awareness and love in my heart while
keeping the spinning plates of my life balanced.

Prosperity/ Manifestation
Divine Grace is keeping me on point and
organizing my life and my thinking in order to
manifest stable prosperity in my business.

The perfect new home manifests for me.

My work is valued and supported through an
abundance of financial and collaborative resources.
I am clear as to how to implement those resources.

The perfect new home for this time in my life
manifests for me.

There is only one power and that power is a
prosperous Yes!

Prosperity and security come to me easily,
sometimes in ways I could never have imagined.

People are giving me money for the gifts I have to
offer and I am very clear what my relationship is to
those gifts

Energy/ Goals
I move outside of my comfort zone in all aspects of
my life. I keep my energy healthy and positive, being
there for others, while keeping my own boundaries.

I am releasing myself and others from my story of
trauma and exhaustion, I am handing it over to
divine freeing power. I am healed, complete and
enriched by this experience. I am now embracing
the truth and reality of unlimited energy, possibility
and timelessness. I am listening to the stillness.

I am grounded in my glowing and growing center
and all action comes naturally from this place.

I freely play and interact joyfully and fully with the
people and situations in my life.

I connect with the heart of mother earth to
facilitate healing and raising of both of our vibrations.

I am surprising myself by what I can accomplish:
staying financially and physically healthy, and
enjoying emotional closeness with someone

Friday, March 23, 2012

Testimonials for Healing and Counseling Work

"Covenant", Oil on Canvas, 60x48, Collection of Prem Arcot

The following testimonials were sent to me in response
to work I did with them, both counseling and healing:

“Katherine has been amazing, I don’t know what fluke
drove me to call her for advice: 'I feel like I’m just talking'
she said wait a minute, then mirrored back an incredibly
intuitive, and sound, understanding with a simple path to
my dreams of joyously practicing architecture in a shifting
world. Later on, when I got tried of a disabling knee injury
I called on Katherine to see if she could make it go away.
Katherine gave a simple direction and 12 hours later it was
gone never to return. Personally I focused on Katherine’s
direction and as if a light in the distance was becoming
brighter each day, I suddenly found myself smiling in a
bright world. Katherine is an absolute joy to work with and
I am very grateful for her counsel and amazed at her long
distance healing.”
Gayle Gilboy Permar

“If you are ready to be healed Katherine is ready to heal
you. I had enjoyed Katherine’s company for many years
before we connected on a healing level. I was at my wits end
with the pain in my knee when she began working with me.
After one distance session the swelling and pain were gone.
She has continued her work focusing on my back. She is helping
me recognize and change old behavior patterns and beliefs that
were keeping me from healing. Katherine has a great capacity
for joy and laughter. I am not only being made well, I am having
a grand time."
Sandy Coulson

"I had been suffering the loss of my partner for 2 years and one
day, as I was driving home I forgot she had passed away. When
I pulled into the drive smiling, it all came back to me and I broke
down, more completely than I ever had in the past. As soon as I
composed myself I called a friend that swore by Katherine and got
her number. I called and Katherine was busy but she set me up
with an appointment for the next day. As I waited all these
coincidences happened that led me to the understanding that I had
not just lost Merry, but I had walked away from God, I could not
forgive God for taking her. The next day I was on the phone with
Katherine crying and filled with rage against God. Katherine said,
Why don't you just start with telling God "I miss you"? Then let God
come to you.’ Swoosh, of course, and I was filled again with a
familiar sense of possibility, and now I have the strength to move on.
Thank you”
Joyce Hartwick
Funny, I don’t know how I have ended up with so many knee healing
testimonials, but that’s just the way it worked!

Messages for Manifestation

"Secrets", Oil on Canvas, 24x18, $700
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

March 23, 2012
"As we open and surrender to the Truth of our Divinity
we witness magic unfolding in our lives. It is then that
we naturally acheive the sparkly energy we so want."

March 22,2012
"The story we tell ourselves and others creates an energy
that creates our experience of our lives. The more the
collective believes the story, the more powerful the
energy. Step outside the box and tell your own happy

March 21, 2012
"We shape our realities with beliefs and feelings.
Bringing our beliefs back to limitless, feelings to gratitude
and attitude to expectancy. We open to the All."

March 20, 2012
"We are all One with all that is. That is pretty darn
prosperous. Sparkle for Spring and Spring will flower
within you. Happy Spring! And Happy Fall for those of
you in the Southern Hemisphere."

March 16, 2012
"We haven't far to go to find gratitude, there is so much
we have that others don't. Turn toward gratitude, it is
like turning toward the sun, as it fills us with light."

March 15, 2012
"Can we count the drops of rain, snowflakes, grains of
sand, stars in the night sky? The infinite prosperity of
Oneness is ours. That is what oneness is. One with All
in All."

March 13, 2012
"My body is the temple of the living God. Therefore,
only Harmony, Grace and Energy dwell there. Love
is the truth of my being and prosperity is made manifest."

March 12, 2012
"In the Unlimited, All knowing, Omnipotent, everywhere
present, Divine Reality, the desire and the fulfillment are
already One now. Let go of all other stories."

March 9, 2012
"The story you tell yourself is the story you create. If you
don't like the story ask yourself what it is you do want and
start telling yourself that story."

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Good Day

I recommend watching this on a full screen. I have
watched it 4 times already. Oh yes, scroll down first
and turn off the music. Blessings to you.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Messages from Prosperity/Healing Sessions

"Carnaval", Oil on Canvas, 40x30, In Collection

March 8, 2012
"There is a portal through which we can enter the
Divine Reality of perfect health, wealth, love, clarity
and safety. That portal is peace. Ask and it is given."

March 7, 2012
"Whenever having uncomfortable feelings get out of
your head about it. Feel the feeling in your body.
Where is it? What does it feel like? Most often freedom
will be the result of this exercise."

March 6, 2012
"Believing that experienced reality is truth is a little
like living in a cardboard box and believing that is all
there is. Ask to be freed from the box."

March 5, 2012
"Be it money, clarity, health, love or whatever, all
lack is an illusion created by mass consciousness.
Listen to the stillness and ask Reality to reveal its

March 2, 2012
"In relating to ourselves with love for the miracles we
are, and each other for the connectivity we have, we
align with the Divine Truth behind perceived 'reality'."

March 1, 2012
"Divine Love is loving, forgiving and freeing everyone,
everywhere now. The past is gone, the future will never
be our life. There is only an eternal now of Love."

February 29, 2012
"God through each one of us is having a myriad of
experiences. It is our choice what those experiences are
by creating intentions and matching those intentions
with the energy of having fulfilled them."

February 28, 2012
"The answer to any question we have can be found by
listening to the stillness. This is how we tap into
Omniscience The answer will come when least expected."

February 27, 2012
"As we turn up the dial on our sparkle, our glow, we not
only change how we feel and our ability to manifest, we
change our contribution to the field of all that is."

February 24, 2012
"If it is prosperity you want move into gratitude of all
you have, health, appreciate the miracle that your body
is and love, express it every way you can."

February 23, 2012
"Yesterday I had a fortune cookie that said I was looking
for happiness and standing right next to it. Profound huh?
How do we access that happiness? Say 'I am happy' as often
as you can and it rushes in."

February 22, 2012
"Judgement and appreciation have something in common.
They both create what is perceived. If we want behavior
changed appreciation would be the best way to go."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Intentions

'Zao's Garden, Oil on Canvas, 48x36, $2600
Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
for inquiries into this painting.

These are the intentions for the Prosperity/Healing group
for March. They are both for the individuals and each one
is for everyone in the group. If you are interested in being
a part of this group please email me.

I am healing and prospering by focusing on the joy in my
life. I share this joy and abundance with others. I pray for
healing to wash over those who feel that I have
transgressed them in any way.

I am safe and content and surrounded by positive light in
my life.

The Divine is freeing me from unrequited love into mutual

God will keep me safe.

My intention is conscious realization of the presence of
Divine Love/Light resulting in the experience of health,
wealth, Love, and perfect self-expression.

The truth of God's harmony is made manifest for me as
perfect health and emotional well-being.

Divine Grace is keeping me on point and organizing my
life and my thinking in order to manifest stable prosperity
in my business.

I let go of all fear and move forwards in alignment with
my higher purpose.

My health is improving day by day.

I understand what my outer life purpose is.

I am available and accountable to myself, as well as others.

A smooth transition into the next stage of my life.

I am present in my day and see the Divine sparkle in all
whom I meet.

I am being shown how to love and embrace all parts of

I gratefully give every moment my full attention because
the beauty of life comes from all of its contents as a whole.

I spend my time working joyfully toward my goals, finding
each moment precious and whole. I am full of energy and
my work energizes me.

I feel gratitude in knowing the truth of the abundance that
is all around me. As I assist others in their awakening I
manifest wonderfully stable financial prosperity.

God's Divine harmony is manifesting in my body as I
effortlessly lose weight. Any changes I need to make
are revealed to me and are easily facilitated.

I would like to have more physical energy, and clarity for
my actions.

I walk with awareness and love in my heart while keeping
the spinning plates of my life balanced

The perfect new home manifests for me.

I am allowing universal love to flow through me, and I
accept what is.

My work is valued and supported through an abundance
of financial and collaborative resources. I am clear as to
how to implement those resources.

I am completely open to unexpected opportunity and

The perfect employment shows up for my husband.

I continue to have the awareness of healing energy I
experienced in my time away and manifest it in my body.
I allow positive thoughts to guide romantic experiences.
The perfect man is on his way to me now. Wealth is
abundant and always fills my needs.

People are giving me money for the gifts I have to offer
and I am very clear what my relationship is to those gifts.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Healing Messages

"True Home", Collage on poster board, 22.5x15, $125

February 21, 2012
"We have one persons consciousness we are responsible
for, our own and it is a full time job. To enlighten or
change another is none of our business. Hand that part
over to the Divine."

February 20, 2012
"We are never done with desire. Our deepest desires
are our Divine Self guiding us along our path. When
one is fulfilled the next one arises, guiding our way."

February 17, 2012
"This experience we are living can be likened to
God's software program. The source code is available:
Ask and believe with all your heart and all your mind
and it will be given."

February 16, 2012
"It is not what we do but how we are are that
makes the difference. Peace be still and know
that all is well."

February 15, 2012
"There is no matter in Divine Truth, only energy.
Manifest reality is created by our energy. Positive
emotions, clarity and holding power create a
prosperous life."

February 14, 2012
"Love is all there is. Love is the only power and that
power is loving us right now. The Divine is always
our ultimate valentine."

February 13, 2012
"Buried in negative feelings are desires. When we feel
them know that fertile soil is present. If we dig deep
enough we will find the desire wanting expression. That
is then the seed to plant."

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

More quotes from Prosperity/ Healing Sessions

'Manawee', Oil on Canvas, 36x48, Collection of Cindy Bilotti
K. Treffinger & C. Bilotti

February 7, 2012
"As we approach any part of our day we can define how we
want it to go and intend it to be so. Any other approach allows
the winds of life to take us wherever."

February 6, 2012
"Any question we have has its' answer. We need only ask and
it is given. Ask and listen to the stillness. The answer will come
one way or another. Be patient."

February 2, 2012
"The energy of how we feel must match the energy of what
we desire in order for manifestation to take place. It is
spiritual law. In other words feel as if."

February 1, 2012
"Thank you is a very powerful mantra. It is appropriate
every moment. Thank you for this life, for this experience.
Thank you God for all that is and all that will be. Thank you
for the Grace.

January 31, 2012
"When one door closes a better one opens. Grace in
each one of us is One with Grace in everyone everywhere
bringing us the perfect opportunities now."

January 30, 2012
"When minor events happen that we don't like we
have a choice in how to respond. We can either respond
negatively and create more of the same or we can let it go,
or we can be grateful some negative momentum of energy
was just released in a harmless way."

January 26, 2012
"Divine Grace, Wholeness, Abundance, Knowing, and
Harmony, is the only truth and the only power at work
in our lives. Realization of this creates manifest reality
that matches. We are One."

January 25, 2012
"Forgive what you don't like in your life and let it go.
Don't keep reworking it in your mind. Stay with gratitude
for the things you appreciate. Magic happens!"

January 24, 2012
"Eternal, Infinite, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and
Omniscience are all Truths that open us to all possibilities.
They are the truth of our existence. Stay with that knowing."

January 23 2012
"Who knows? Maybe we stood in a long line to incarnate
here. Embrace every moment as life is made up of nows.
When we live in the future we abandon the gift of life."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Intentions.

'The Ugly Duckling', Oil on Canvas, 36x48,
Collaboration C. Bilotti/K. Treffinger
Collection of Katherine Treffinger

It's a new month, time for new intentions. The following are the
intentions of the people involved in the Prosperity/Healing Sessions.
Each intention is the intention of the individual and all intentions are
for the group.

I will be. I live in the present. I sparkle with intensity.
My health is improving day by day.
My intention is conscious realization of the presence of Divine Love/
Light resulting in the experience of health, wealth, Love, and perfect
Divine Grace is keeping me on point and organizing my life and my
thinking in order to manifest stable prosperity in my business.
The perfect employment manifests in my life. I am happy and safe.
I am healing and prospering by focusing on the joy in my life. I share
this joy and abundance with others. I pray for healing to wash over
those who feel that I have transgressed them in any way.
I am available and accountable to myself, as well as others.
I am being shown how to love and embrace all parts of myself.
The truth of God's harmony is made manifest for me as perfect health
and emotional well-being.
The perfect new home manifests for me.
I intend to reclaim healing that I experienced and keep it going forward.
I have opened the door to more romantic experiences by being proactive,
and remain open to being approached as new people enter my life. Money
is plentiful as I pay off debt.
I am moving forward on the right path for me. All of my impulses are
productive and nurturing.
I courageously and gently give and receive love, art, dance and spiritual
growth with all beings in my life.
I would like to have more physical energy, and clarity for my actions.
I am completely open to unexpected opportunity and growth.
The perfect employment shows up for my husband.
I transition with complete grace and clarity into a place of autonomy
and success in my business. All liabilities transform into opportunities.
I let go of all fear and move forwards in alignment with my higher
I feel gratitude in knowing the truth of the abundance that is all around
me. As I assist others in their awakening I manifest wonderfully stable
financial prosperity.
I find love and God within myself.
All change is for the better and is leading me toward an ever increasing
experience of prosperity.
My aim is to discover the purpose of work and my outer life and connect
that with my inner purpose of God realization.
I walk with awareness and love in my heart while keeping the spinning
plates of my life balanced.
God will keep me safe.
God is with me. I turn my back on temptation and joyfully make fulfilling,
healthy choices. I am beautiful.
I am clearly shown the way to my deepest happiness, success, prosperity
and health. I am a self-realized being.
I gratefully give every moment my full attention because the beauty of life
comes from all of its contents as a whole.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Properity/ Healing Messages

'Vision Quest', Oil on Canvas, 24x 30, Collection of Kevin Kanyo

January 20, 2012
"There is only one power and that power is Divine harmony, grace,
prosperity and love. There is no such thing as a problem that has
more power than God."

January 19, 2012
"Often we think what we have to offer is our togetherness, when in
fact, it is our vulnerability that is our greatest gift. It allows others
to be in their truth also."

January 18, 2012
"We can not know the how of the healing or of the manifestation.
It is not our job to figure it out. It is our job to make our intentions
clear, hand it over and be grateful in advance."

January 17, 2012
"Leading the prosperous life means expressing our giving, generous
nature. Holding back from giving in the right way is an expression of
lack. Give of your Self."

January 16, 2012
"Let it go, let it all go. We are Absolutely safe and provided for. 'Be
still and know that I AM GOD'. Relax into the truth of who we are."

January 13, 2012
"Confusion is a sign that the mind has a hold of us. The Truth is
Omniscience, Absolute clarity. As we quiet the mind we create
space for clarity to arise."

January 12, 2012
"Challenges are the souls request to take the next step. Ask for
the clarity to know the next step, the courage to take it and then
ask God to carry you."

January 11, 2012
"Believe in your deepest desires. They are your Divine Self
speaking to you. Be excited, for if the request is made with
conviction, the answer will follow. Patience is key."

January 10, 2012
"If we want to up the power of attraction of what we are wanting
we need to turn up the sparkle volume and keep it there as long
as possible."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Art of Transformation

My brochure and my business cards are both printed
and in my possession. I am mailing them out and asking
people to help me get them out in the world. If you want
a copy, or a stack of them please let me know. I do
mentoring/counseling work by phone and my distance
healing is possibly more powerful than the hands on. In
other words it doesn't matter how far away from me they
go. My email is katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

January Intentions

"The Ugly Duckling I", Oil on Canvas, 36x48
Collaboration of Cindy Bilotti and Katherine Treffinger
Collection of Katherine Treffinger

It is a new year and the participants of the Prosperity/ Healing sessions have
set there intentions. They are getting so good at it! The intentions follow:

By giving my Self space, I am having fun, playfully frolicking through my days
and nights.
My life is one of adventure and new experiences. I manifest safe travel and
health for myself and my family.
Divine Grace is keeping me on point and organizing my life and my thinking
in order to manifest stable prosperity in my business.
I am grateful and patient as Divine Grace unfolds perfectly in my life. I am
allowing a blessed life of continued good health, harmony with family and
friends and unlimited, free flowing abundance. My heart is healed and open.
I am at peace.
I am available and accountable to myself, as well as others.
The perfect employment shows up for my husband.
I am being shown how to love and embrace all parts of myself.
I am manifesting success in my new job and a perfect new home
I am clearly guided as to how I can actively participate in my life in a way
that is aligned with my highest good and the good of all.
My health is rapidly improving.
The perfect new home manifests for me.
The truth of God's harmony is made manifest for me as perfect health and
emotional well-being.
I want an enduring, healthy relationship in my life.
My life is rich and exciting, filled with dance, loving and being loved.
To know truth, my truth.
God is with me. I turn my back on temptation and joyfully make fulfilling,
healthy choices. I am beautiful.
I am approaching my existence with "Ease and Flow" in order to enjoy
each day to its’ fullest. Please give me patience.
I transition with complete grace and clarity into a place of autonomy
and success in my business. All liabilities transform into opportunities.
All of my impulses are productive and nurturing
Financial security.
I am present, grateful and accepting.
I have clarity and prosperity in all aspects of my life.
I am clearly shown the way to my deepest happiness, success, prosperity
and health. I am a self-realized being.
I let go of fears and move forwards in alignment with my higher purpose.

Messages from Healing Sessions

"The Ugly Duckling II", Oil on Canvas, 30x40, $1080
Collaboration by Cindy Bilotti and Katherine Treffinger
Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
if you are interested in purchasing this painting.

January 9, 2011
"The breath of God is breathing us, Love is beating
our hearts, Omniscience is functioning our brains
and perfection and harmony is operating through us.
We are miracles."

January 6, 2012
"The question we need to ask ourselves is 'How do I
want to feel?'. If we go ahead and feel it we will be
marvelously surprised by how the Universe shows up
to meet the energy of that feeling."

January 5, 2012
"We are all powerful magicians, waving our wands
of feelings, of the stories we tell ourselves and others.
Tell positive stories and wave a wand that sparkles!"

January 4, 2012
"Keep your sight on the positive, the glass half full
and know that by doing this you are creating a
positive reality. What would limitless possibility
feel like?"

January 3, 2012
"If we want to stop being buffeted by the winds of
life we need to let our intentions be known. Start the
day and and each of its' events with an intention of
what you desire."

January 2, 2012

"When we tap into the truth of our Divinity we
in the Harmonious stream of Well Being,
and Prosperity of All That Is. Happy
New Year, may we

December 29, 2011
"Give what you desire. Let go of what you are
holding on to.
Value what you are given by giving
back. The Universe will
respond generously."

December 28, 2011
"We all have purpose. If wondering what yours is
need only ask and listen to the quiet voice
Know that it may not be what you do, but
who you are."

December 27, 2011
"Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not,
they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon
in all his glory was not arrayed like one of those."

December 26, 2011
"How we feel is the most powerful manifestation
tool. Want to have happiness? Feel happy,
circumstances will follow. Want magic? Feel
the magic. Love? Be in love."

December 23, 2011
"A shift of energy of some duration is a stone
thrown into the pond of the entire energy field.
The ripples effect the All. I say throw positive
stones. Sparkle!"