"If it is only a dream, why is pain so real?" "A dream head struck against a dream wall causes dream pain. A dreamer is not cognizant of the hallucinatory fabric of a dream until he awakens. Similarly, man does not understand the delusory nature of the cosmic dream of creation until he awakens in God." Paramahansa Yogananda

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Messages From My Daily Sessions

'The Witness', Collection of Bill and Kayce Hughlett

May 10, 2012
"We exist as drops of water in an ocean of love and intelligence.
Knowing we are blessed and listening to be guided every step
we take, the veil thins and magic abounds."
May 9, 2012
"God as Love is everywhere present at the same time. This
Love is our unconditional provider of love, prosperity, clarity
& Absolute safety. Surrender to Love." 

May 8, 2012
"It's all energy. Keep it moving by giving what you desire.
There is always a way to be generous."
May 4, 2012
"We are all magicians with magic wands of feelings, beliefs and
the stories we tell ourselves. Choose to create the reality you
most desire by feeling as if."
May 3, 2012
"The more we hand over to Divine Love the more magic we
witness in our lives." 

May 2, 2012
"Behind the clouds there is always sun. If we are looking at
trouble we can always do an about face and look at the blessings,
which beget blessings. Turn up the sparkle."
May 1, 2012
"An affirmation: Every step I take today is guided by Divine
Love and I am blessed, absolutely safe and prosperously provided
for. Gratitude is my natural state."

April 30, 2012
"We create what we perceive. If what we are seeing  is sad or
messy and we feel that perception we are adding unto the mess.
See and create through the eyes of wonder!

April 27, 2012
"Frustration is a story we tell ourselves that creates a false
separation between desire and fulfillment, which are, in truth,
One. Tell a story of how blessed you are." 

April 26,2012
"As we listen to Omniscient pure consciousness we are clearly
guided down the path of fulfillment and joy. Follow the yellow
brick road of Love, Grace & Harmony."

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