May 2, 2011
"As I sat on the beach basking in the beauty surrounding
me I couldn't help but think what a miracle it is that this
manifest reality exists at all."
May 1, 2011
"Relax and enjoy the magic of the unfolding. Anticipate
wonders, and sparkle. May your glass be full!"
April 22, 2011
"As we send out our intentions with the feeling of already
having them met we create a manifest reality. Remember
we must not look over our shoulders. Let go!"
April 21, 2011
"Our minds masquerade as the god we should worship.
The doorway to the Divine is beyond mind and is found
in a place of stillness, peace and Omniscience."
April 20, 2011
"Well being, prosperity, love, creativity are the Divine
truth of who we are. The more we know and feel this
to be true the more it is made manifest."
April 19,2011
"All answers to all questions to can be found in this
stillness. When we go there and listen we find that
at some point in the day clarity comes.
April 18, 2011
"The Greek root for the word enthusiasm is 'en theos'
meaning 'in God'. Knowing this helps us in finding
our way on this journey. Enthusiasm is the road sign
to follow."
April 17, 2011
"Every step we take in life is guided by Divine
intelligence, omniscience. Our part is to listen, trust,
and follow the inner promptings."
April 16, 2011
"I look out the window this morning and I see buds
on the trees. Life is renewing. What buds are appearing
on our branches? What is about to flower in our
April 15, 2011
"Behind every blade of grass there is an angel urging
it grow, grow." The Talmud
April 14, 2011
"Divine love is love in us and wants to express that
love through us. That is true for everyone everywhere.
Love wants to love us and is bringing it to us now."
April 13, 2011
"Divine love is love in us and wants to express that
love through us. That is true for everyone everywhere.
Love wants to love us and is bringing it to us now."
April 12, 2011
""Being patient does not mean waiting. One can be
patient and present in the now. Life is made up of
now, and in waiting, life can be missed. All
fulfillment is in the now."
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