May 10, 2011
"Just ask and it is given. That is a promise we were made.
The Divine can and will get through to our life experience.
We need to believe that promise and ask."
May 9, 2011
"Divine Grace, being the truth of all that is, is real and
solid. Doubt, fear, and all negativity is smoke, cleared
away by the cleansing breeze of knowing the truth."
May 7, 2011
"We always have the choice as to what we focus on.
What we focus on with feeling for an extended period
of time creates reality. Take the leap to be positive."
May 6, 2011
"Love is All there is, in every aspect of our experience.
We are All connected through Oneness. All is possible.
The truth is that All is perfect now."
May 5, 2011
"As we open to allowing the rays of Divine Grace
to shine upon us we open the gateway to all well
being, forgiveness, prosperity and peace. Shine on
stars of light!"
May 4, 2011
"Yesterday when my partner finished his meditation
I asked him 'Baba Kirby did you reach enlightenment?'.
He said 'I am trying the free trial offer.' Laughter is
May 3, 2011
"A good tool for transforming difficult feelings is to
simply stop the stories attached to the feelings and
be aware of how the feelings are present in your body."
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