"Deep Sea Diving" Oil on canvas, 36"x48", $2200
I am sorry I have been so negligent of this blog of late, I have
been doing some personal deep sea diving. I am going through
a lot right now as I am trying to get free of something in my life
and it is all encompassing. I am digging down to the depths of my
being, swimming through the quagmire, digging in the mud, all
while sitting on my couch. I wish I could do it and paint but this
time it is not to be, so I sit in my studio and stare at my painting.
Wednesday I am going to Portland to do some art supply shopping
so I think I will be absent the rest of this week.
When I get through this I am certain I will be refreshed and ready
to post with a new fervor.
Happy Solstice!
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