"If it is only a dream, why is pain so real?" "A dream head struck against a dream wall causes dream pain. A dreamer is not cognizant of the hallucinatory fabric of a dream until he awakens. Similarly, man does not understand the delusory nature of the cosmic dream of creation until he awakens in God." Paramahansa Yogananda

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Intending Happiness

"True Celebration" Collage, Collection of Rachel Schlueter

I have just returned from a wonderful trip to Portland, OR.
The day before I left I had a conversation with my friend Joe.
I was asking him about his intentions as his life is rockin' and
one to celebrate. These are his intentions:

I added:
So I started saying and FEELING these intentions as I drove.
While I was there I handed art over to a high end furniture
store to sell, I was placed 'under consideration' with a gallery
for a show and I sold 3 pieces of art at the show I am currently
in. I had a great time with friends, was treated to lunch twice
and just generally felt very happy and clear.

I am going to give the intentions a lot of credit.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Deep Sea Diving

"Deep Sea Diving" Oil on canvas, 36"x48", $2200

I am sorry I have been so negligent of this blog of late, I have
been doing some personal deep sea diving. I am going through
a lot right now as I am trying to get free of something in my life
and it is all encompassing. I am digging down to the depths of my
being, swimming through the quagmire, digging in the mud, all
while sitting on my couch. I wish I could do it and paint but this
time it is not to be, so I sit in my studio and stare at my painting.

Wednesday I am going to Portland to do some art supply shopping
so I think I will be absent the rest of this week.

When I get through this I am certain I will be refreshed and ready
to post with a new fervor.

Happy Solstice!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Always A Surprise

"Jubilee" Oil on canvas, 24x18, $495
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

I am going to be a bit mysterious here as I feel it is important
to keep the actual facts out of the story. They are not so
important. I made a decision a while back. I kept wanting to
act on it, feeling rather impatient. My guidance kept telling me
to wait. As often happens even my most enlightened friends
were pushing for me to take the bull by the horns and go for it.
This process has happened so many times in my life that I now
know to absolutely trust my guidance and know that something
will be revealed to me.

This week has marked 9 months since I fell and seriously broke
my ankle and I knew the birth was due. Sure enough, the
revealing happened and it was nothing I could have ever imagined,
not in my wildest dreams. It is always a surprise, the revealing that
is, when I hand it over to the Divine. I was telling a friend and she
completely agreed that you can never guess what will unfold. We
joked that if we did guess Divine intelligence would change the
revealing. It certainly is an adventure and a mystery. Still is, even
though I know the direction, I have zero clue how it will all turn out.
But then how much fun would that be?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Finding My Way Back

"Nepal". Oil on canvas, 40"x30", In Collection

Sorry for the lapse in postings. I have been getting my
art finalized for a show and delivered, and have been
picking up other art. I have been enjoying my time on
the road in this process. I have been listening to Abraham-
Hicks and driving. I bought the CD set of The Vortex
and have, for the most part, really enjoyed it.

I have been feeling out of the stream, not lined up with
my Self lately and have been finding my way back. It has
been an interesting mix of Tolle and Hicks that is helping
me find my way back. I am listening to the stillness as I
stay in the present (which has been so easy as I drive
through the Spring lushness of the countryside of Eastern
Oregon and Washington. As my negative responses to the
things that are testing me arise I have been going to Abraham.

In these CDs they talk about things that are unpleasant to
us in our lives as contrasting events in which we find
what we don't want so we can define what we do want and
focus on what we do want. The problem we have is we focus
on the problem and try to figure out what we should do about
it. This creates more problems because we are feeling the
problem and thus vibrating the problem. We are asked by
Abraham to vibrate what we do want.

So here I am listening to the stillness, staying present, and
intending to vibrate at a higher level that is in alignment with
my highest possibilities. Stay tuned.