"If it is only a dream, why is pain so real?" "A dream head struck against a dream wall causes dream pain. A dreamer is not cognizant of the hallucinatory fabric of a dream until he awakens. Similarly, man does not understand the delusory nature of the cosmic dream of creation until he awakens in God." Paramahansa Yogananda

Saturday, March 31, 2012

April Intentions and How I Changed the Sessions

"Nepal", Oil on canvas, 40x30, In Collection

Lately I have been re-reading a book that has been
instrumental in developing my healing work,
The Art of Spiritual Healing by Joel Goldsmith.
30 years ago I studied the book with such hunger
that the book fell apart and I had to buy a new one.
Rereading it has catalyzed a rethinking of how I have
been doing the Prosperity/ Healing sessions. The
other thing that has catalyzed the change is that I now
have 32 people in the group. Continuing to do the
work the way I have would take forever. I was treating
each individual, which is not only unnecessary, I am
beginning to believe it is less productive.

Goldsmith advises not taking person or problem into
the treatment, but rather let it go and go into thinking
about Divine Truthes. There are categories of intentions
that people have in the group and I am treating the
categories. I read every intention for a while in a month
but then I stop even that. This way it is easier to not get
caught up in person and what I may know about specific
circumstances. Also God knows already what is needed.
We could even say these are God's intentions. I have
included the categories here. If you are a part of the
group and feel that your intention is in the wrong
category please let me know and I can change it.

Health/ Body
The truth of God's harmony is made manifest for me
as perfect health and emotional well being.

I experience complete joyous healing.

I am healing and prospering by focusing on the joy
in my life. I share this joy and abundance with others.
I pray for healing to wash over those who feel that I
have transgressed them in any way.

God's Divine harmony is manifesting in my body as
I effortlessly lose weight. Any changes I need to
make are revealed to me and are easily facilitated.

I am in perfect health, I am pain-free.

I am safe and content and surrounded by positive
light in my life.

God will keep me safe.

I let go of all fear and move forwards in alignment
with my higher purpose.

I intend to learn to love myself fully, knowing that
will be the kind of love I attract from others.

I am being shown how to love and embrace all parts of

I am happy, open, confident, grounded, patient, kind,
loving and recognize my worth.

I love myself.

Consciousness/ Right Understanding
My intention is conscious realization of the presence
of Divine Love/Light resulting in the experience of
health, wealth, Love, and perfect self-expression

My presence is my presentation to the world and I
know when someone complements me it is the glow
of presence they are seeing.

I understand what my outer life purpose is.


Opening up to receiving and responding to the
messages coming my way.

I am creating a sustainable inner landscape.

I walk with awareness and love in my heart while
keeping the spinning plates of my life balanced.

Prosperity/ Manifestation
Divine Grace is keeping me on point and
organizing my life and my thinking in order to
manifest stable prosperity in my business.

The perfect new home manifests for me.

My work is valued and supported through an
abundance of financial and collaborative resources.
I am clear as to how to implement those resources.

The perfect new home for this time in my life
manifests for me.

There is only one power and that power is a
prosperous Yes!

Prosperity and security come to me easily,
sometimes in ways I could never have imagined.

People are giving me money for the gifts I have to
offer and I am very clear what my relationship is to
those gifts

Energy/ Goals
I move outside of my comfort zone in all aspects of
my life. I keep my energy healthy and positive, being
there for others, while keeping my own boundaries.

I am releasing myself and others from my story of
trauma and exhaustion, I am handing it over to
divine freeing power. I am healed, complete and
enriched by this experience. I am now embracing
the truth and reality of unlimited energy, possibility
and timelessness. I am listening to the stillness.

I am grounded in my glowing and growing center
and all action comes naturally from this place.

I freely play and interact joyfully and fully with the
people and situations in my life.

I connect with the heart of mother earth to
facilitate healing and raising of both of our vibrations.

I am surprising myself by what I can accomplish:
staying financially and physically healthy, and
enjoying emotional closeness with someone

Friday, March 23, 2012

Testimonials for Healing and Counseling Work

"Covenant", Oil on Canvas, 60x48, Collection of Prem Arcot

The following testimonials were sent to me in response
to work I did with them, both counseling and healing:

“Katherine has been amazing, I don’t know what fluke
drove me to call her for advice: 'I feel like I’m just talking'
she said wait a minute, then mirrored back an incredibly
intuitive, and sound, understanding with a simple path to
my dreams of joyously practicing architecture in a shifting
world. Later on, when I got tried of a disabling knee injury
I called on Katherine to see if she could make it go away.
Katherine gave a simple direction and 12 hours later it was
gone never to return. Personally I focused on Katherine’s
direction and as if a light in the distance was becoming
brighter each day, I suddenly found myself smiling in a
bright world. Katherine is an absolute joy to work with and
I am very grateful for her counsel and amazed at her long
distance healing.”
Gayle Gilboy Permar

“If you are ready to be healed Katherine is ready to heal
you. I had enjoyed Katherine’s company for many years
before we connected on a healing level. I was at my wits end
with the pain in my knee when she began working with me.
After one distance session the swelling and pain were gone.
She has continued her work focusing on my back. She is helping
me recognize and change old behavior patterns and beliefs that
were keeping me from healing. Katherine has a great capacity
for joy and laughter. I am not only being made well, I am having
a grand time."
Sandy Coulson

"I had been suffering the loss of my partner for 2 years and one
day, as I was driving home I forgot she had passed away. When
I pulled into the drive smiling, it all came back to me and I broke
down, more completely than I ever had in the past. As soon as I
composed myself I called a friend that swore by Katherine and got
her number. I called and Katherine was busy but she set me up
with an appointment for the next day. As I waited all these
coincidences happened that led me to the understanding that I had
not just lost Merry, but I had walked away from God, I could not
forgive God for taking her. The next day I was on the phone with
Katherine crying and filled with rage against God. Katherine said,
Why don't you just start with telling God "I miss you"? Then let God
come to you.’ Swoosh, of course, and I was filled again with a
familiar sense of possibility, and now I have the strength to move on.
Thank you”
Joyce Hartwick
Funny, I don’t know how I have ended up with so many knee healing
testimonials, but that’s just the way it worked!

Messages for Manifestation

"Secrets", Oil on Canvas, 24x18, $700
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

March 23, 2012
"As we open and surrender to the Truth of our Divinity
we witness magic unfolding in our lives. It is then that
we naturally acheive the sparkly energy we so want."

March 22,2012
"The story we tell ourselves and others creates an energy
that creates our experience of our lives. The more the
collective believes the story, the more powerful the
energy. Step outside the box and tell your own happy

March 21, 2012
"We shape our realities with beliefs and feelings.
Bringing our beliefs back to limitless, feelings to gratitude
and attitude to expectancy. We open to the All."

March 20, 2012
"We are all One with all that is. That is pretty darn
prosperous. Sparkle for Spring and Spring will flower
within you. Happy Spring! And Happy Fall for those of
you in the Southern Hemisphere."

March 16, 2012
"We haven't far to go to find gratitude, there is so much
we have that others don't. Turn toward gratitude, it is
like turning toward the sun, as it fills us with light."

March 15, 2012
"Can we count the drops of rain, snowflakes, grains of
sand, stars in the night sky? The infinite prosperity of
Oneness is ours. That is what oneness is. One with All
in All."

March 13, 2012
"My body is the temple of the living God. Therefore,
only Harmony, Grace and Energy dwell there. Love
is the truth of my being and prosperity is made manifest."

March 12, 2012
"In the Unlimited, All knowing, Omnipotent, everywhere
present, Divine Reality, the desire and the fulfillment are
already One now. Let go of all other stories."

March 9, 2012
"The story you tell yourself is the story you create. If you
don't like the story ask yourself what it is you do want and
start telling yourself that story."

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Good Day

I recommend watching this on a full screen. I have
watched it 4 times already. Oh yes, scroll down first
and turn off the music. Blessings to you.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Messages from Prosperity/Healing Sessions

"Carnaval", Oil on Canvas, 40x30, In Collection

March 8, 2012
"There is a portal through which we can enter the
Divine Reality of perfect health, wealth, love, clarity
and safety. That portal is peace. Ask and it is given."

March 7, 2012
"Whenever having uncomfortable feelings get out of
your head about it. Feel the feeling in your body.
Where is it? What does it feel like? Most often freedom
will be the result of this exercise."

March 6, 2012
"Believing that experienced reality is truth is a little
like living in a cardboard box and believing that is all
there is. Ask to be freed from the box."

March 5, 2012
"Be it money, clarity, health, love or whatever, all
lack is an illusion created by mass consciousness.
Listen to the stillness and ask Reality to reveal its

March 2, 2012
"In relating to ourselves with love for the miracles we
are, and each other for the connectivity we have, we
align with the Divine Truth behind perceived 'reality'."

March 1, 2012
"Divine Love is loving, forgiving and freeing everyone,
everywhere now. The past is gone, the future will never
be our life. There is only an eternal now of Love."

February 29, 2012
"God through each one of us is having a myriad of
experiences. It is our choice what those experiences are
by creating intentions and matching those intentions
with the energy of having fulfilled them."

February 28, 2012
"The answer to any question we have can be found by
listening to the stillness. This is how we tap into
Omniscience The answer will come when least expected."

February 27, 2012
"As we turn up the dial on our sparkle, our glow, we not
only change how we feel and our ability to manifest, we
change our contribution to the field of all that is."

February 24, 2012
"If it is prosperity you want move into gratitude of all
you have, health, appreciate the miracle that your body
is and love, express it every way you can."

February 23, 2012
"Yesterday I had a fortune cookie that said I was looking
for happiness and standing right next to it. Profound huh?
How do we access that happiness? Say 'I am happy' as often
as you can and it rushes in."

February 22, 2012
"Judgement and appreciation have something in common.
They both create what is perceived. If we want behavior
changed appreciation would be the best way to go."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Intentions

'Zao's Garden, Oil on Canvas, 48x36, $2600
Please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
for inquiries into this painting.

These are the intentions for the Prosperity/Healing group
for March. They are both for the individuals and each one
is for everyone in the group. If you are interested in being
a part of this group please email me.

I am healing and prospering by focusing on the joy in my
life. I share this joy and abundance with others. I pray for
healing to wash over those who feel that I have
transgressed them in any way.

I am safe and content and surrounded by positive light in
my life.

The Divine is freeing me from unrequited love into mutual

God will keep me safe.

My intention is conscious realization of the presence of
Divine Love/Light resulting in the experience of health,
wealth, Love, and perfect self-expression.

The truth of God's harmony is made manifest for me as
perfect health and emotional well-being.

Divine Grace is keeping me on point and organizing my
life and my thinking in order to manifest stable prosperity
in my business.

I let go of all fear and move forwards in alignment with
my higher purpose.

My health is improving day by day.

I understand what my outer life purpose is.

I am available and accountable to myself, as well as others.

A smooth transition into the next stage of my life.

I am present in my day and see the Divine sparkle in all
whom I meet.

I am being shown how to love and embrace all parts of

I gratefully give every moment my full attention because
the beauty of life comes from all of its contents as a whole.

I spend my time working joyfully toward my goals, finding
each moment precious and whole. I am full of energy and
my work energizes me.

I feel gratitude in knowing the truth of the abundance that
is all around me. As I assist others in their awakening I
manifest wonderfully stable financial prosperity.

God's Divine harmony is manifesting in my body as I
effortlessly lose weight. Any changes I need to make
are revealed to me and are easily facilitated.

I would like to have more physical energy, and clarity for
my actions.

I walk with awareness and love in my heart while keeping
the spinning plates of my life balanced

The perfect new home manifests for me.

I am allowing universal love to flow through me, and I
accept what is.

My work is valued and supported through an abundance
of financial and collaborative resources. I am clear as to
how to implement those resources.

I am completely open to unexpected opportunity and

The perfect employment shows up for my husband.

I continue to have the awareness of healing energy I
experienced in my time away and manifest it in my body.
I allow positive thoughts to guide romantic experiences.
The perfect man is on his way to me now. Wealth is
abundant and always fills my needs.

People are giving me money for the gifts I have to offer
and I am very clear what my relationship is to those gifts.