My new business card.
Mid October 2010 I started doing the prosperity healing
sessions 5 days a week Monday through Friday. So much
has changed since then for people in the group. But I will
speak for myself now, I am a different person. I live right
in the center of myself, my mind has quieted, and my
healing work has gained potency. I guess this is what is
bound to happen when one sits down to meditate and pray
an hour a day. Sometimes I am tempted to stop, the
commitment to show up has been huge but each day I take
it one day at a time and say yes.
At the same time in October 2010 I wrote my brochure
for my spiritual mentoring. It did not feel right to get
it printed, for whatever reasons at the time. Last week
I finally ordered it and a few days ago 1500 brochures
arrived at the door. Then having seen the quality of their
work I went ahead and ordered 1000 business cards.
I am ready now. I was not ready then. I am so clear in my
work. It is a wonderful feeling. If you are reading this and
want a brochure or know a good place to leave a stack of
them please email me at
katherine@katherinetreffinger.comThank you for any support.
Messages from sessions:
December 22, 2011
"As we reach for a higher thought and a better feeling
we change our whole energy vibratory field. This
attracts a matching energetic manifest reality."
December 21, 2011
"Embrace the Light that is the Truth of who we are
and shine. We are loved and we are One with Love.
Now dance a jig and rejoice, the solstice has happened
and the light is returning."
December 20, 2011
"Silent mind, Holy mind, All is calm, All is bright,
rest in Heavenly Peace. Peace is where all healing
takes place."
December 19, 2011
"Embrace the Grace, in Truth that is all there is.
It is a miracle we are here living on this planet
that is moving through space at a very fast speed.
Gratitude and wonder would be in order."
December 16, 2011
"God's presence is bringing forth God's blessings in
me, through me, around me, and for me."
December 15, 2011
"Hand it all over to Love. Love will find a way.
Love goes before us to make the crooked places
straight. Love is loving everyone of us and is
loving through us."
December 14, 2011
"Patience is important once our intentions are set.
The shift we desire may entail a slight change of the
entire Universe. No biggie for God. It just may need
a little of our experience called time."
December 13, 2011
"Our frustrations and our worries have a purpose, they
appear so we may ask the question 'What do I want?'.
From there we set the intention, hand it over and
assume fulfillment."
December 12, 2011
"The feminine/ mother aspect of the Divine wants
us to understand that we are unconditionally loved
and provided for. We don't have to do anything to
deserve this."
December 9, 2011
"The soul's voice speaks to us through our deepest
desires. Listen carefully, it is speaking. Commit to
it and hand the hows, whats, wheres and whys over
to God."
December 8, 2011
"Every cell of our being is One with Divine harmony, grace,
peace, perfection and prosperity. Realization of this gives us
the keys to the kingdom."