"If it is only a dream, why is pain so real?" "A dream head struck against a dream wall causes dream pain. A dreamer is not cognizant of the hallucinatory fabric of a dream until he awakens. Similarly, man does not understand the delusory nature of the cosmic dream of creation until he awakens in God." Paramahansa Yogananda

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Sonata, Oil on Canvas, 48x36, SOLD

"There is within each of us the possibility of magnificence.
Every moment is an opportunity to make it manifest. Let
the spirit awaken you to a miraculous life."
Marianne Williamson

Messages from Prosperity sessions:

June 28, 2011
"As we let go of our grip on our beliefs of what won't
change in our lives we allow the Divine to get through.
God knows what we have need of before we ask."

June 27, 2011
"In knowing that all is well and taken care of, it is.
Releasing control we witness the harmonious unfolding
of the Divine."

June 24, 2011
"All answers, all healing , arise out of peace. Peace is
found in the stillness. Sit down and listen to the stillness
that exists beneath all experience."

June 23, 2011
"I keep coming back to God is eternal, omniscient,
omnipotent and omnipresent. It doesn't get any more
prosperous than that. Ask that your True prosperity
be shown to you."

June 22, 2011
"The Universe is ever expanding and evolving. Frustration
is our need to expand. Shoot off rockets of desire through
intention. If there is desire there is fulfillment."

June 21, 2011
"We are each the Divine made manifest. The truth of every
cell of our bodies is their Divinity, Harmony and Grace. Ask
that this truth be revealed to you."

June 20, 2011
"Set your intentions and then gratitude is the attitude."

June 17, 2011
"If we hand over our confusions and problems to Divine
Mind and release them, what returns is clarity and solutions."

June 16, 2011
"We exist in an eternal, infinite, omnipresent field of Love,
Light and all knowing Intelligence. We are simply consciousness
and energetic vibration. Sparkle now!"

June 15, 2011
"Ask to be freed from the consciousness of disharmony and
shown the truth of harmony. Then witness a transformation
of consciousness and manifest reality."

June 14, 2011
"We are Divinity expressing Itself as us. The only thing that
limits us is our sense of limitation. Open the door to All
Possibility and It will show up."

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Desire and the path to the Divine

"Deep Sea Diving", Oil on canvas, 36"x48", $2600
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

"To know God is not the negation of desires, but rather
complete fulfillment.Just as by feeding somebody else
one's own hunger cannot be appeased, so the soul can
never be satisfied by catering to the senses. The senses
crave indulgence,greed, and temptations to excite and
amuse them; the soul feels fulfilled only by calmness,
peace, and bliss bestowed by meditation."

"By contacting God in the world and in meditation, all
desires of the heart are fulfilled; for nothing is more
worthwhile, more pleasant or attractive than the all
satisfying, ever-new joy of God.

Desire limits the consciousness to the object of desire."
"One who bathes his consciousness in the Holy Ghost
becomes unattached to personal desires and objects
while enjoying everything with the joyousness of God

Paramahansa Yogananda,
"The Second Coming of Christ:The Resurrection of the
Christ Within You"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Prosperity Group Intentions

Jubilee, Oil on Canvas, SOLD

Mid October 2010 I started a project of doing free prosperity
healing sessions. Monday through Friday in the late morning
I sit down and spend somewhere around an hour in meditation
and prayer for a group of people who have requested to be a
part of these sessions. It is open to anyone who wants to be
included.I send a message that came to me while I was doing the
work to all involved. Changes are happening, they are different
for everyone.

The effect on my life has been profound. I am not the same
person that started this work 8 months ago. The way the
sessions are executed has morphed several times. Just today
it went through another transformation. I have been reading
everyone's separate intention and then doing a prayer/
meditation, but that became disruptive to what was becoming
a very deep meditation. It felt unnatural and I knew that Divine
Intelligence already knew what the intentions were and I was
reading them for me and some weird loyalty to the individuals
of the group. My partner reminded me of this quote from the bible:
"Be still and know that I am God" (psalms 46-11). In other words
our only job is to go into the stillness and leave the rest to God.
So that is what I did today and it felt good. I started the session
reading the intentions from the I AM place and then meditated
until I was clearly prompted to end it.

I ask all the participants to renew their desire to be included by
the first of every month and to let me know if their intentions
have changed. Many have stayed the entire time, some have gone
their way, feeling complete. New people have joined.

As July 1st is nearing it has been renewal time and new intentions
are being made. I am of the belief that intentions overlap and effect
everyone involved. It is for that reason I decided to post the current
intentions as group intentions for that is in fact what I feel they are.
I also feel the group is getting clearer and clearer in their intentions.

The following are the intentions, I did not include duplicates.

The only truth of my life is that which is true of the
Divine. Knowing this I manifest the well being and
prosperity that is the only Truth and the only Power.

I am manifesting abundance.

I remain strong and healthy in myself. I bring more
flexibility, calm and power into my body, mind & spirit.

A new life of contentment is emerging as I heal.

I choose to live through the open space in my heart.
I look for love and find it everywhere.

Keep it real, keep it light.

I am healing old wounds.

It is my intention to be happy in the present. I will
know what to do when the time is right.

I am manifesting prosperity, creativity and physical
wellbeing beyond my wildest imaginings. Life is fun!!!
I am awakening as a self-realized being.

The Universe is readying me for my perfect partner,
a person with courage of heart, to enter my life
and I trust the process and myself.

I experience fulfillment, sense of purpose, and feeling
of being deeply connected in life.

My motivation and self-confidence return and flower.

As I release the figurings of my mind, my inner
knowings guide me on a harmonious, evolving, grace
filled and ever expanding journey.

I trust myself in the choices I make, to make safe
friends and stop blaming others for my mistrust and
lack of courage.

My life is filled with peace, forgiveness and strength.

The Truth of Divine Harmony and Well Being is manifest
in every cell of my body.

I have a peaceful open heart that is healed of old wounds.
I am in love with myself and open to the love of another.
I am able to bring peace to others, expand my horizons
and lead a happy prosperous healthy life.

I feel completely safe in Divine Truth.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Living from Consciousness

"Shakti", Oil on canvas, 48"x48", $2950
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

"Most people derive their identity from their past,
which is their thoughts. If you can derive your identity
from consciousness itself, then you've transcended
the personal. If you can live your life in a way that the
transcendent can shine through it, through the
personal realm into this world, then that is the
fulfillment of your destiny." Eckhart Tolle

Messages from Prosperity Sessions:

June 17, 2011
"If we hand over our confusions and problems to
Divine Mind and release them, what returns is
clarity and solutions."

June 16, 2011
"We exist in an eternal, infinite, omnipresent field
of Love, Light and all knowing Intelligence. We
are simply consciousness and energetic vibration.
Sparkle now!"

June 15, 2011
"Ask to be freed from the consciousness of disharmony
and shown the truth of harmony. Then witness a
transformation of consciousness and manifest reality."

June 14, 2011
"We are Divinity expressing Itself as us. The only thing
that limits us is our sense of limitation. Open the door to
All Possibility and It will show up."

June 13, 2011
"All manifest reality is energy. We cannot desire something
and vibrate the opposite & expect good results. Vibrations
are created by feelings. Feel as if."

June 12, 2011
"Telling ourselves happy stories about our lives creates
happy lives. Sparkling effects everything for the better."

June 9, 2011
"Go toward happiness, it will show us the way."

June 8, 2011
"Treasure this moment. It is all there is. Our lives are
built out of this moments."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

We and Our Divinity are One

"Wish fulfilling Gem", Oil on canvas 24x30 $1080
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

I am reading Yogananda's life work right now in a 2 volume
set, 'The Second Coming of Christ- The Resurrection of
the Christ Within You', 'A revelatory commentary on the
original teachings of Christ'. It is quite the book. I am taking
it slow for it is hard for me to get sometimes. The energy of
reading the revelations of a self-realized being about the
teachings of a being of light is amazing and is working on me.
I can feel a shift taking place.

The other evening I had a peak spiritual experience while
doing healing work. The room I was sitting in was experienced
by me as pure presence. Ordinary items were magnificent
with beauty. The person I was working on did not share the
experience and was in their own personal distress. My first
feeling was the presence was filling the room. Then I realized
that I was witnessing the Truth of our experience. We are
swimming in Divine Presence, it is the Truth of who we are
and the suffering of the other person is all of us, in our not
knowing the Truth of the light we are bathed in. I am sorry
to say I did not remain in this consciousness, but I now
know what my intention is!

Quotes from my prosperity healing sessions:

June 7, 2011
"As we stay present, knowing Divine Grace and Strength
is our sufficiency in all things, our lives unfold before us
in ways that surprise and amaze us."

June 6, 2011
"We are in Truth Divine consciousness experiencing the
illusion of being manifest reality. We are energy, as are our
desires, and their fulfillment. Vibrate as if."

June 3, 2011
"What if we stopped taking the appearance of 'other' so
seriously and humor illusion, greeting everything as the
truth of what it is, God?"

June 2, 2011
"We are Divine Love, we are loved. We are Divine Perfection.
We are perfect. We are Divine Supply. We are prosperous."

June 1, 2011
"Lately I have found that following my guidance has simply
meant being present and following my impulses in any given
moment. I have been amazed at how much has been accomplished
with little effort."

May 31, 2011
"Take all desires, intentions and questions into the stillness that
exists as the true base under all experience. All fulfillment/answers
can be found there."

May 28, 2011
"We shape reality with our beliefs and feelings. We cannot afford
to believe in anything less than limitless and bring our feelings back
to expectancy and gratitude."