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Many years ago I went to a wonderful little church in the
living room of Paula Scott. It was called the Family Church
of Marin. It was Paula's own mix of Science of Mind and Unity.
At the time I went Paula was in her early 90's and I would
not hesitate to say Paula was enlightened. She was a very
important mentor of mine. I went 4 or 5 times a week if
you can believe that, I was like a sponge, I could not get
enough. I wanted what she had. If you have been in the
presence of enlightenment you understand.
Paula described prayer as talking to God about God.
Paula's prayer went something like this:
"God is perfect and eternal now.
God has everything now.
God is providing everything now.
God is loving, forgiving and freeing everyone,
everywhere, now.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord, God Almighty."
Wow I can't believe I remembered that! It has been
years since I have even thought about that prayer.
Just when I needed a prayer like that.
God is Love, God is Omniscient, God is Omnipresent,
God is Omnipotent, in other words the Divine is
everywhere present at the same time, is all
knowing and all powerful. That power is love.
The Divine as me is the Divine as you and so we are
One in the Divine. God is all knowing and can
therefore answer any question, any need we have
and can get through. These are all things I say to
myself as a form of prayer. Then I sit in silence and
listen to the small still voice within. I would love to
hear others' prayers.
Hi Katherine, I'm not sure where you live but when I read your words about being in the presence of an enlightened person I immediately thought of this...
J and I are going to see her in Boston this July. I'm really looking forward to the experience and will probably post a bit about it later this week!
M. I look forward to reading about your experience. I'll go check it out, thank you for the link. I live in Eastern Oregon, 3 hours from Boise, Idaho and 4 hours from Portland, Oregon.
Katherine--I attend the Unity church here weekly and love it. The pastor calls it "the burger-king approach" to church because he says that "you can have it your way". That is what I really like about it. I can believe in anything I want and not have to believe that God is that person in pictures, or that there is a trinity, etc. I love it and your prayer rings true for me. I see the post that Melanie wrote and she is very lucky to be seeing that wonderful woman. I have seen her on TV and she seems amazing.
Teri thanks for your visit and comments AND for telling me Melanie's name (I mean besides M)!
Katherine, Reading about your connection with both Unity and Science of the Mind and a special mentor is so much aligned with where I have been and what has led me to now. I was for two years many years ago in a support group of absolute acceptance and the personal growth was heart opening and strengthened me for what occurred later in my life as circumstances.
The words are similar in my prayers which are more gratitude/acceptance like prayers. Anytime I have reached out for assistance (it) has appeared in ways that baffle word description. Thank you for this post!
Mary Ann you do my heart good. I am not surprised one bit at what you say here or that it is you saying it.
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