The following are the messages sent to members of my
Prosperity/ Healing group for the week before and of
Thanksgiving, for me, a celebration and reminder of
the act of gratitude. If you want to join the group please
contact me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
November 26, 2011
The road to happiness can be recognized by following
what energizes us. When we feel drained we have taken
a wrong turn. Follow the sparkling yellow brick road.
November 25, 2011
"To be full-filled occupy your heart, be generous with
your Self and give what you want. Live and love from
the stillness in the center of beingness. All is well."
November 24, 2011
"Everyday is a day to give thanks. Thanksgiving can
be a celebration of that gratitude."
November 23, 2011
"Yesterday I saw a church sign that I liked. It said
'Count your blessings not your problems.' I say
it is simply a wondrous miracle that we are here
at all."
November 22, 2011
"How we observe our lives creates our lives. If we
want change we must change the lens through
which we are looking. Gratitude is the attitude."
If we are in gratitude every day is Thanksgiving.
November 21, 2011
"Think of the nature of the Divine instead of the
problem. A prayer that works is talking to God
about God."
November 18, 2011
"Whatever we want, we get it by loving and
being grateful for what we have. The Universe
does not differentiate between good and bad.
It responds with like energy."
November 17, 2011
"Every grain of sand is essential and precious
in the Divine scheme. Can you imagine the
grandeur of each person's contribution?
You are loved and important."
November 16, 2011
"God is Love and the way to God is Love and
the place to start is ourselves."