"If it is only a dream, why is pain so real?" "A dream head struck against a dream wall causes dream pain. A dreamer is not cognizant of the hallucinatory fabric of a dream until he awakens. Similarly, man does not understand the delusory nature of the cosmic dream of creation until he awakens in God." Paramahansa Yogananda

Friday, October 14, 2011

Give What You Desire

"Secrets", Oil on Canvas, 24x18, $700
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

October 13, 2011
"As we discontinue our wanderings into the past and
the future we find a rich life waiting for us in the now.
Now is the only time God is found."

October 12, 2011
"We are made up of energy, as is everything
everywhere, in the manifest world. We have the
Divine power to create reality by aligning emotionally
/energetically with what we want."

October, 11, 2011
"We are Divinity expressing Itself as us. The only thing
that limits us is our sense of limitation. Open the door
to all possibility and it will show up."

October 7, 2011
"Turn to God, the only power, that is harmony and grace
and know all is taken care of. 'Be still and know that I Am
God'. Sparkle you stars of wonder!"

October 6, 2011
"Prosperity means different things to different people. If
we want prosperity in our lives we find what it is we have
to offer that would make someone else feel prosperous and
give it."

October 5, 2011
"Divine truth is every atom of our being is connected to every
atom of everything, everywhere. As we leave the realm of
separation we enter the very essence of prosperity."

October 4, 2011
"Give what you want. Loving and giving unconditionally,
with wisdom, will plant the seeds for harvest."

October 3, 2011
"Acting and feeling as if our intentions are true is the first step
toward their realization. Sparkle power!"

September 30, 2011
"All answers, resolutions and healings can be found in peace
and stillness, the doorway to God."

September 29, 2011
"Divine Mother loves unconditionally. There is nothing we can
do right or wrong to receive this love. We are provided for
unconditionally. Our only responsibility is to know that this is

September 28, 2011
"Our deepest desires are our Divine purpose speaking to us. No
desire is too big or too small. Let the desire be what it is. Move
toward it."

September 27, 2011
"Know that you are safe, your life is filled with harmony, grace,
well being, prosperity, and magic and it will be so. The work is
reaching and staying with the knowing."

September 24, 2011
"We are the glory of the Divine made manifest. Ideally we know
this to be true not only for ourselves, but everyone, everywhere.
Magic abounds when we remember this."

September 22, 2011
"If you've been staring at any corners in your life turn around,
dissolve the opposing walls and you will find the angle of the
corner moves out into limitless possibilities."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October Group Intentions

"Four Families", Oil on Canvas, 40"x30", $1800
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com

Group Intentions

Divine Grace is keeping me on point and organizing my
life and my thinking in order to manifest stable prosperity
in my business.

I am living my Tao, accepting, gracious, loving, in the
right place at the right time, present, attentive,
compassionate, but not attached to the outcome.

I am manifesting the perfect new job.

I am manifesting financial security.

All fear is gone from my heart and mind.

The only truth of my life is that which is true of the Divine.
Knowing this I manifest the well being and prosperity that is
the only Truth and the only Power.

I am currently manifesting prosperity, creativity and physical
well being beyond my wildest imaginings. Life is fun!!! I am
awakening as a self-realized being. I am fully engaged with
my potential and others.

My relationship to my spirituality is healing in the most loving
and gentle way possible.

Interesting good men will come into my life this month and
there will be someone I would like to date, and vice versa. My
finances are sufficient to meet all my needs this month and in
the future.

I intend to have a graceful transition into a new time of clarity
of direction.

It is my intention to be happy in the present. I will know what to
do when the time is right. I am more open to listening.

I am energetically living from my heart.

I am embracing change fully, in a spirit of celebration.

As I move from my Divine center everything falls into place
around me and I am provided for abundantly.

All beings are one with their Divine inheritance of prosperity
and well being.

With Divine Love, my family and I are absolutely safe and
my life is filled with hope. Knowing this I easily assist in
creating safety for those I work with.

I am oozing inspiration, motivation and transformation for
my creativity and yoga with courage, determination, devotion
and dedication.

Right Work and Financial Stability throughout my life so I
can support my family and my spiritual endeavors.

I accept and am manifesting prosperity, creativity, strength
and physical and mental wellbeing; I am awakening as a self-
realized being. I bring more flexibility, calm and power into
my body, mind & spirit. I am open to the love that is God that
is within me.

These intentions are individual intentions, but are also the
entire groups' intentions. Thank you to all that are involved.