What a relief! I finally finished my brochure. Yowza this has taken forever...well
months at least. Maybe in the big picture it has taken forever! What a process of
refining what I had to say, what I really felt, what my gifts were. I highly recommend
the process though, it has brought me to so much clarity! I am very excited with
how it turned out. Here is the link to the PDF file, it takes a minute to download so please be patient, also it is 2 pages so please scoll:
I am requesting networking assistance from anyone who has ideas or people to send
a brochure to, or a place to leave a stack of them, or an email. Please let me know.
One of my intentions with this brochure is people getting their friends together for
sessions and I travel to meet with them. Wouldn't that be fun?
I have been extremely negligent with my blogs while working on this, but I plan to
get back with them.
Please visualize success for me!!!!!